aaron's website



hello I am 26 as of a few days ago - weird feeling
and i don't know what I am doing I'm just going to share work here and hope for the best whatever that means
thank you for checking out the page. here's a drawing, some renders, and a tune I have been listening to today.

I just wanted to make a site to have a little corner of the internet that wasn't instagram.
instagram & platforms like it can be great, but its scale makes it limited.
here I can do stupid (fun) things, like make images have different / extreme aspect ratios
it's a small thing, but the small things are a big deal, at least to me.
maybe YOU should make a website too.

anyway I'm probably just going to make posts about what i am working
on at the time and maybe share some thoughts. in the meantime, you can find more stuff on my work page.